Porn Hub - Wankerchief (Product service)
More than 62 million people visit Porn Hub every day wasting countless number of tissues. However, these tissues involve cutting down many trees which aggravates deforestation. Because Porn Hub is a brand that is enviromentally conscious, we decided to take an action.
Porn Hub partnered with Kleenex to introduce Wankerchief, a tissue made with tree-free and compostable materials, that can save approximately 120 trees a day and 42,000 trees a year by replacing wanking wipes altogether.
Porn Hub partnered with Kleenex to introduce Wankerchief, a tissue made with tree-free and compostable materials, that can save approximately 120 trees a day and 42,000 trees a year by replacing wanking wipes altogether.
Credits: James Kuczynski, Bryan Barnes.
Recognition: 18’ New York Festivals.